Let’s Come Together to Build
A New Greensboro
- A city where people are working, collaborating and the economy is thriving.
- Building new opportunities for everyone in the city.
- A City Council focused on creating economic development and jobs.
This is Chip Roth’s vision for moving forward. He will bring years of expertise and dedication to City Council.
And, he knows exactly what to do.
President Obama appointed Chip to a leadership position in the Small Business Administration. This is because he understands the importance of helping entrepreneurs raise capital to start businesses, and helping them succeed.
Chip’s consulting firm, Roth & Associates, provides strategic advice to companies of all sizes, and to executives about how to grow business. Much of his consulting working has focused on achieving economic development priorities for Greensboro.
Chip also developed strong relationships in the financial community. This led to a Business Development Advisor position with NDH Capital, a NYC equity firm. This firm also granted Chip the opportunity to private market its substantial lending capacity. Using these and other key contacts, Chip brings solid resources to economic development initiatives.
Now, Chip wants to put his skills and experience to work for the city of Greensboro.
Chip is a strategic, effective and caring leader who brings people together to tackle these challenges. He is focused on business success, but always puts people first.
Hard-working, Chip is also an independent, progressive fighter for families and small businesses. Most importantly, Chip is one of us. He shares our core values of opportunity, respect, fairness, efficiency and community.
Building a New Greensboro means creating opportunity for everyone in our city. If you share Chip’s vision, let’s all pull together to win good jobs and provide opportunities for Greensboro’s business people to succeed.